Ridvan Messages 1950-2018
Riḍván Messages from:
- Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, 1950 - 1957
- Ministry of the Custodians, 1957 - 1963
- Universal House of Justice, 1963 - present
Riḍván Messages from:
- Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, 1950 - 1957
- Ministry of the Custodians, 1957 - 1963
- Universal House of Justice, 1963 - present
- Contributors:: Universal House of Justice (Author)
- Dimensions:
- Source: Writings of the Baha'i Faith. Digital editions courtesy of Bahaiebooks.org
- Digital Source: Bahaiebooks.org
- SKU: RIDVA_1950-2018
- Contributors:: Universal House of Justice (Author)
- Dimensions:
- Source: Writings of the Baha'i Faith. Digital editions courtesy of Bahaiebooks.org
- Digital Source: Bahaiebooks.org
- SKU: RIDVA_1950-2018
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