Introducing the Faith
eBook Editions
Authoritative & World Centre
eBook Editions
Nine Year Plan 2022-2031National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Australia

Compilations of the Writings
eBook Editions
Educational Materials
eBook Editions
History of the Faith
eBook Editions
Discourses of Society
eBook Editions
Consultative Decision MakingArthur Dahl
Economics of the Future Begins TodayBadi Shams
In Search of a New Work EthicGeorge Starcher
Journey of CourageFrances Mezei
On Corruption and BriberyJean Pierre Méan
Promise of Social InnovationFrançois Couillard
Purpose Beyond ProfitMarjo Lips-Wiersma
Toward a New Paradigm of ManagementGeorge Starcher
Toward a Partnership of Women and MenGeorge Starcher
United ConsultationDon Plunkett
Women EntrepreneursDiane Starcher

Bahá'í-inspired Fiction
eBook Editions
Bahá'í-Inspired Children's
eBook Editions
Other Titles
eBook Editions
Baha'i Publications Australia
eBook editions developed by, and in collaboration with BPA
AudioBook Format
eBook Editions
ePub Format
eBook Editions
Bahá'í Prayers (Chinese)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Filipino)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (French)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Samoan)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Swahili)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Tok Pisin)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'u'lláh and the New EraJohn Esslemont
Bahá’í Prayers (Chinese, conventional)Central figures of the Faith
Consultative Decision MakingArthur Dahl
Divine Art of LivingMabel Paine
Early PilgrimageMay Maxwell

Online Format
eBook Editions
PDF Format
eBook Editions
Australian Bahá’í:
February 2022NSA of the Bahai's of Australia -
Australian Bahá’í:
July 2022NSA of the Bahai's of Australia -
Australian Bahá’í:
September 2021NSA of the Bahai's of Australia -
Australian Cluster Map and Cluster ExplainersNSA of the Bahai's of Australia
Bahá'í Prayers (Chinese)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Filipino)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (French)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Samoan)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Swahili)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Tok Pisin)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í World 1925 - 1926Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1926 - 1928Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1928 - 1930Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1930 - 1932Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1932 - 1934Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1934-1936Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1936-1938Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1938 - 1940Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1940 - 1944Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1944 - 1946Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1946 - 1950Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1950 - 1954Baha'i Publishing Committee
Bahá'í World 1954 - 1963Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1963 - 1968Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1968 - 1973Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1973 - 1976Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1976 - 1979Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1979 - 1983Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1983 - 1986Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1986 - 1992Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1992 - 1993Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1993 - 1994Baha'i World Centre
Bahá'í World 1994 - 1995Baha'i World Centre

Kindle Store
Available for purchase from the Kindle store
A Very Old NeighbourhoodDicy Hall
Adventures of Mali & KeelaJonathan Collins
Alzheimer'sHarlan Scheffler
ArisingDenali Weiler
ArisingKim Douglas
Bahá'u'lláh and the New EraJohn Esslemont
Bahá’í Ethics in Light of Scripture, Vol. 1Udo Schaefer
Blueprint for a New WorldCraig Loehle
Call to RemembranceGeoffry Marks
CommonalitiesSerge van Neck
Crimson InkGail Madjzoub