This is a collection of biographies and autobiographies. The subjects include the Central Figures and Their family members (Holy Family); those individuals appointed for life to propagate and protect the Bahá’í Faith at the international level (Hands of the Cause); individuals who opened new territories to the Faith during the Ten Year Crusade (Knights of Bahá’u’lláh); as well as Bahá’ís of the past and more recent times.
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The Holy Family
Vignettes from the Life of 'Abdu'l-BaháAnnamarie Honnold
Radiant GemHouri Falahi-Skuce
'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Perfect Exemplar (Persian)Dariush Lamy
Mahmud's DiaryMirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani
Chosen HighwayLady Blomfield
Gems from the Crown of GlorySusan Allen
Shoghi Effendi, RecollectionsUgo Giachery
Servant, the General and ArmageddonRoderic Maude

Hands of the Cause of God
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 4Elika Mahony
Servant to the ServantsJoel Nizin
FaiziMay Faizi-Moore
From Copper to GoldDorothy Freeman
George TownshendDavid Hofman
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 1Elika Mahony
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 2Elika Mahony
Religion for MankindHorace Holley
Shu'á, Ray of the SunShapour Rassekh
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 3Elika Mahony

Knights of Bahá'u'lláh
Sole Desire Serve CauseDon Brown
LifelineMeherangiz Munsiff
Legacy of CourageSuzanne Schuurman
Of Wars and WorshipKeith Saunders

Early Believers
Lighting the Western SkyKathryn Hogenson
Memories of Nine Years in 'AkkáYouness Afroukhteh
Mahmud's DiaryMirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani
Stories from the Cradle of the FaithWilliam Growe
RecollectionsMerle Heggie
Treasures of the CauseRose Deloomy
Portals to FreedomHoward Ives
Repository of MysteriesJinab-i-Mirza Fanaian
Lua GetsingerVelda Metelmann
Seed in Your HeartJanet Rose
Fires in Many HeartsDoris McKay
When the Moon Set Over HaifaAngelina Allen

Modern Believers
چگونه بهائی شدمEnayat’ullah Sohrab
Shantha and ChelliePadma Sundram Wong
Stories from Pioneer PostThelma Batchelor
Lights of the SpiritGwendolyn Etter-Lewis
ArisingKim Douglas
Living in the Half-LightJean Gould
Year of Living DeeplyRobert Atkinson
When Reason SleepsAudrey Mellard
Olya's StoryOlya Roohizadegan
Man of the TreesPaul Hanley
Letters from BonaireMarion West
Of Wars and WorshipKeith Saunders

People of the SignWade Fransson
Without HesitationAnisa Abbas
Fires in Many HeartsDoris McKay
NineteenAdam Robarts
ManijehManijeh Saatchi