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Wholesale accounts on the Baha'i Books platform are available to bookshops and distributors via email request. Please email if you require a wholesale account.

When logged-in as "wholesale", products are clearly displayed with their wholesale discount badge, and moving the cursor over the product icon will reveal the price in AUD. Some products listed on our website are not available to wholesale customers, and when moving the cursor over the product icon, a popup will be rendered to indicate "Digital", "Affiliate", "Australia Only" etc. Generally, those items that are drop-shipped by third-party suppliers are not readily available internationally.

Please note that the prices offered are in AUD, and are shipped from Australia. Our service contracts Ingram for print-on-demand, and when printed in Australia, volume discounts are extended to our service, which then allows us to extend favourable discounts to wholesale customers. For print-on-demand titles, it is possible to print internationally but we may not be able to extend the same discount due to printing from an alternative printer network of Ingram. There are almost 400 titles available via print-on-demand, which can be displayed by searching for "@POD".

Institute materials from Australia can only be distributed to our Pacific neighbours.