Publishing Trust Australia
Imprint: Bahá'í Publications Australia
Bahá'í Prayers (Chinese)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Filipino)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Samoan)Central figures of the Faith
Bahá'í Prayers (Swahili)Central figures of the Faith
Being a Bahá’íNational Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Australia
Children (brochure)Training Institutes
Children (brochure, Chinese)Training Institutes
Children (brochure, French)Training Institutes
Connecting Hearts (Arabic) (5-pack)Central figures of the Faith
Connecting Hearts (Chinese) (5-pack)Central figures of the Faith
Connecting Hearts (English) (5-pack)Central figures of the Faith
Connecting Hearts (Filipino) (5-pack)Central figures of the Faith
Connecting Hearts (French) (5-pack)Central figures of the Faith
Connecting Hearts (Hindi) (5-pack)Central figures of the Faith

Publishing Trust India
Imprint: Bahá'í Literature & Publication Trust
A Very Old NeighbourhoodDicy Hall
Angels from His House DivineJoy Sailors
Around the World We PrayAlhan Irwin
Dearest Cara in WonderfulandPatty Harmsen
Exploring GleaningsAnthony Joy
Gems from the Crown of GlorySusan Allen
Golden LoavesRosa Vasseghi
Guidance on God's Plan for HumankindMargaret Ruhe
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 1Elika Mahony
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 2Elika Mahony
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 3Elika Mahony
Hands of the Cause of God, Vol. 4Elika Mahony
Happy FastingSaeid Mirafzali
In the Kingdom of LightDebashis Roy
Journey through the Hidden WordsMahnaz Afshin
Lotus of BahapurSheriar Nooreyezdan
Make Me a Brilliant StarGita-Shekufeh
Make This Youth RadiantGita-Shekufeh
O God! Guide MeNSA India

Publishing Trust United States
Imprint: Bahá'í Publishing
A World Without WarHoda Mahmoudi
Aflame with DevotionJudy Moe
ArisingKim Douglas
Bahá'u'lláh and the New EraJohn Esslemont
Bringing the Sacred HomeJoseph Sheppherd
Call to RemembranceGeoffry Marks
Consulting DetectiveAlan Manifold
Divine Art of LivingMabel Paine
Food, Farmer, and CommunityWinnona Merritt
From Copper to GoldDorothy Freeman

Bellwood Press
Imprint of Bahá'í Publishing Trust (United States)
Attorney for Racial JusticeGwendolyn Etter-Lewis
Kamal's DayLeona Hosack
Like Pure GoldAnne Breneman
Riddle of the Hollow ReedCharlotte Harman
StriveBellwood Press
Sweet Neighbors Come in all ColorsLisa Blecker
Warrior GrandmaLittlebrave Beaston

One Voice Press
Imprint of Bahá'í Publishing Trust (United States)
Association for Bahá'í Studies
North America
Ethical Business Building the Future — EBBF
Formally European Baha'i Business Forum
Consultative Decision MakingArthur Dahl
In Search of a New Work EthicGeorge Starcher
On Corruption and BriberyJean Pierre Méan
Promise of Social InnovationFrançois Couillard
Purpose Beyond ProfitMarjo Lips-Wiersma
Toward a New Paradigm of ManagementGeorge Starcher
Toward a Partnership of Women and MenGeorge Starcher
United ConsultationDon Plunkett
Women EntrepreneursDiane Starcher

George Ronald
United Kingdom
Alzheimer'sHarlan Scheffler
ArisingDenali Weiler
Bahá'í House of WorshipJoe Carter
Bahá’í Ethics in Light of Scripture, Vol. 1Udo Schaefer
Bahá’í FamiliesPatricia Wilcox
Bahá’í Parenting PerspectivesBegin Anvar
Balanced Living for Busy Bahá’ísCatherine Brooker
Blueprint for a New WorldCraig Loehle
Chinese Religion & the Bahá’í FaithPhyllis Chew
Chosen HighwayLady Blomfield
CommonalitiesSerge van Neck
Companion to the Study of the Kitáb-i-ÍqánHooper Dunbar

InnerPrize Group
United States
Abracadabra Ziggety ZamLili Shang
Blessed is the Spot
Activity BookLili Shang -
Maxie's Monster
and the Jar of StarsLili Shang -
TroubleLili Shang