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Publishing with Baha'i Books

Publishing with Bahá'í Publishing Trust of Australia

Authors and other content creators can submit reviewed materials for publication to the Board at Submitted materials are assessed to determine the suitability of the work and its relevance within the framework for publications. 

Resources that complement institute materials and directly meet the needs of the growth process in Australia are required. Literature that fosters Bahá'í identity for various aged readers, assists to build Bahá'í culture, and contributes to social discourse are sought.

Our reviewers answer four questions:

  1. Novelty: Do you think this book contains a unique contribution to thought, a distinctive approach or set of ideas, a novel story, and/or an unmet need in Baha'i and Baha'i-inspired literature?
  2. Quality: Did you find this book to be well-structured, well-written, and easy-to-read? Do you think it could be published without significant editorial work?
  3. Purity: Is this book accurate and free from contentious information or statements, such as those that could create disunity, foster prejudice or be interpreted as backbiting or cultural appropriation.
  4. Alignment: Do you think this book would support the Baha’i growth processes in Australia, specifically as it pertains the Nine Year Plan? Specifically, do you think it would support Australia’s goals for the Nine Year Plan in areas such as the education of children, empowerment of youth, participation in the prevalent discourses of society, social action, and the building of spiritually vibrant communities?


Below is a list of advice to writers or those thinking about becoming a writer.

  1. Consider the messages of the Universal House of Justice and the material of the Training Institute. Literature which fosters an individual’s Baha'i identity and their desire to serve community is desirable.
  2. Have a clear understanding of who your book is intended for and the message you wish to convey. Consider the interests and preferences of potential readers and how the literature will impact them. Engage with your readers and gather feedback. Pay attention to their comments, suggestions, and criticisms, and consider including suggestions that align with your vision and resonate with your target audience while staying true to your unique voice.
  3. Identify books that have successfully captured the attention of your target audience. Analyse their writing style to gain insights into what resonates with your market.
  4. Read, read, read. Become familiar with different genres and styles of writing. Think about what you like to read and what is it about those writing styles that you enjoy.
  5. If you are writing fiction, get to know your characters, build a sense of the whole person rather than just an identity that needs to fulfill a specific purpose within your story.
  6. Are there any potential copyright breaches within the text or illustrations? Have all quotes been appropriately referenced and have all artists, designers and photographers been appropriately referenced?
  7. Search online for advice and tips for how to write a book. Think about joining writing groups or attending writing festivals. Festivals not only provide helpful information but can be a source of inspiration and the finding of a collegiate group that can support your endeavours.


Best wishes ! 
Publishing Trust of Australia.

Note: It is the policy of the National Spiritual Assembly that all products referring to the Bahá'í Faith must be submitted for Bahá'í Review to ensure accuracy and dignity in the presentation of the Faith. Items can be submitted for review through the national secretariat at