Reconceptualising Society
This collection of texts brings attention to the various aspects, structures, processes and relationships of society which, as a result of the impact of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, are undergoing rapid change and which require focused thought and attention.
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Arts & Music in Society
Visions of the SacredKim Macqueen
Science and Art of Being HumanMargaret Appa
Day BreakChristine Kurzius-Krug
Divine MelodyLorraine Manifold

Consultation & Conflict Resolution
Day BreakChristine Kurzius-Krug
Consultative Decision MakingArthur Dahl
United ConsultationDon Plunkett
Bahá’í FamiliesPatricia Wilcox

Education & Knowledge Generation
Educational LeadershipBrian O'Toole
Learning About GrowthRuhi Institute
Spiritual Conquest of the PlanetMelanie Smith

Equality of Women & Men
Women EntrepreneursDiane Starcher
Toward a Partnership of Women and MenGeorge Starcher
Illumine My SpiritCentral figures of the Faith
Bahá’í FamiliesPatricia Wilcox

Harmony of Science & Religion
Science and Art of Being HumanMargaret Appa
Proofs on the Existence of GodPeter Terry
One RealityBonnie Taylor

Law & Ethics in Society
Maturation of Humanity
Pathways to TransformationJohn Davidson
Blueprint for a New WorldCraig Loehle
One World One PeopleGregory Dahl
Forces of Our TimeHooper Dunbar
Spiritual EnterpriseLawrence Miller
Human Rights in an Advancing CivilizationAaron Emmel
A World Without WarHoda Mahmoudi
Food, Farmer, and CommunityWinnona Merritt
Global Unitive HealingElena Mustakova
World in TravailKamran Sedig
Imperishable DominionUdo Schaefer
Path of LoveLasse Thoresen
Bahá’í Ethics in Light of Scripture, Vol. 1Udo Schaefer

Oneness of Religion
Last DayWalied Jassat
Promises FulfilledNabil I Hanna
Story of Our TimeRobert Atkinson
GemsDavid Jurney
Chinese Religion & the Bahá’í FaithPhyllis Chew
Religion for MankindHorace Holley

Path to Peace
Pathways to TransformationJohn Davidson
Retrieving Our Spiritual HeritageSuheil Bushrui
A World Without WarHoda Mahmoudi

Religion in Society
CommonalitiesSerge van Neck
GemsDavid Jurney
Chinese Religion & the Bahá’í FaithPhyllis Chew
Religion for MankindHorace Holley
Proofs on the Existence of GodPeter Terry
Faith and BeliefWilfred Smith

Social Cohesion
Pathways to TransformationJohn Davidson
Lights of the SpiritGwendolyn Etter-Lewis
Indigenous PeoplesKamal Puri
Human Rights in an Advancing CivilizationAaron Emmel
Anchor of FaithFrederick Landy
Power of Unity (2019 edition)Bonnie Taylor

Social & Economic Development
Spiritual Basis of Financial Prosperity
Blueprint for a New WorldCraig Loehle
In Search of a New Work EthicGeorge Starcher
On Corruption and BriberyJean Pierre Méan
Consultative Decision MakingArthur Dahl
Toward a New Paradigm of ManagementGeorge Starcher
Purpose Beyond ProfitMarjo Lips-Wiersma
Women EntrepreneursDiane Starcher
Promise of Social InnovationFrançois Couillard
Toward a Partnership of Women and MenGeorge Starcher
United ConsultationDon Plunkett
Economics of the Future Begins TodayBadi Shams
World in TravailKamran Sedig