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Brilliant Star 2016 #3

Please visit the Luminous Library!

For the first time ever, you can access several years of Brilliant Star's award-winning content! Check out fun crafts, comics, stories, puzzles, interviews, science experiments, and songs—it's all here. Quickly find PDFs to download or print on topics such as being of service to others, making new friends, coping with challenges, developing virtues, and much more.

Please visit the Luminous Library!

For the first time ever, you can access several years of Brilliant Star's award-winning content! Check out fun crafts, comics, stories, puzzles, interviews, science experiments, and songs—it's all here. Quickly find PDFs to download or print on topics such as being of service to others, making new friends, coping with challenges, developing virtues, and much more.

  • Publisher: Brilliant Star, 2016
  • SKU: STAR_48_03

A Physical product is not distributed by Bahá'í Books. Please download the digital edition linked below.

  • Publisher: Brilliant Star, 2016
  • SKU: STAR_48_03

Bahá'í Activity Books
for the Middle Years