
Animating Junior Youth Groups

Junior Youth Spiritual Education programme (JYSEP)

The spiritual empowerment of adolescents aged 12 to 15 is the major theme explored in Ruhi Book 5, Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth. In the context of this theme, animators advance understanding about such concepts as the power of the period of youth; the importance of using this power for the betterment of humanity; the impact of choices made during this period on the whole life of an individual; the need for coherence in the various aspects of the life of youth; the twofold moral purpose of life; the aspirations and capacity of youth inspired by the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh; the needs of humanity at this stage of its development; the relationship between the individual and his/her environment; and the significance of the period of life between 12 and 15 years of age.

Companion Materials

Companion materials for animating JYSEP are currently in development with Training Institutes. One resource is currently being developed.

  • Animator Journal that assists animators to keep relevant information about the group and participants in one place.

Each journal will likely contain space to track six study modules and will likely contact sections for recording:

  • Group development
  • Key activity log
  • Attendance
  • Session planning
  • Session reflections
  • Service project planning
  • Service project reflections
  • Participant development
  • Contacts

Thought is also being given as to how this resource can be developed digitally, as an online platform or App.


Certificates for graduating from each JYSEP module (or year or programme) are currently in development with Training Institutes. Certificates templates will be available using Canva, allowing teachers to customise certificates and print locally. Design elements will likely include

  • Training Institutes logos, with space for a local neighbourhood logo
  • Multicultural Australia design elements
  • Signatures for animators | coordinators | LSA Secretary etc.


While mass distributing brochures is not likely an effective strategy, the gifting of a professional brochure after a conversation may assist as a reminder of the necessity for spiritual education, and personal contact details can be shared.

Brochures also contain the current language used for the Core Activities within Australia, thus they may assist individuals with outreach conversations. View online.
