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Ruhi Book 2

Arising to Serve

The path of service and the essential features of community life are the main themes explored in Arising to Serve.

In the context of these themes, participants advance their understanding through exploration of such concepts as the spiritual joy generated by the blessing of sharing the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh with others; the spiritual wealth contained in the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh; the accessibility of the spiritual energies available to all; the power of the Word of God; the need for purity, detachment, humility, effort, and sacrifice in the process of sharing the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh with others.

The path of service and the essential features of community life are the main themes explored in Arising to Serve.

In the context of these themes, participants advance their understanding through exploration of such concepts as the spiritual joy generated by the blessing of sharing the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh with others; the spiritual wealth contained in the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh; the accessibility of the spiritual energies available to all; the power of the Word of God; the need for purity, detachment, humility, effort, and sacrifice in the process of sharing the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh with others.

  • Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
  • Format: Softcover book | 84 pages
  • Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 8 mm | 280 g
  • Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
  • ISBN: 9789585978706
  • SKU: RUHI_ENG_02

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  • Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
  • Format: Softcover book | 84 pages
  • Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 8 mm | 280 g
  • Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
  • ISBN: 9789585978706
  • SKU: RUHI_ENG_02
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    Published-edition Ruhi materials (coloured covers) can be purchased directly from Baha'i Books (website).

    Pre-published Ruhi materials (white covers) and Published materials can be requested from the Training Institute via their 'Request Form'. Requests are managed by the Institute's Book Administrator. When the request is authorised a payment request email will be forward to you if required. Once paid, the order will sync to BDS for fulfilment. 

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for Ruhi Book 2

The path of service and the essential features of community life are the main themes explored in Arising to Serve. The capacities built include that of conducting purposeful home visits to provide accompaniment for friends as they advance their understanding of the Revelation of Bahá’u'lláh.

Ruhi Institute

The main sequence of courses is organized so as to set the individual, whether Baha'i or not, on a path being defined by the accumulating experience of the community in its endeavour to open before humanity the vision of Baha'u'llah's World Order. The very notion of a path is, itself, indicative of the nature and purpose of the courses, for a path invites participation, it beckons to new horizons, it demands effort and movement, it accommodates different paces and strides, it is structured and defined. A path can be experienced and known, not only by one or two but by scores upon scores; it belongs to the community. To walk a path is a concept equally expressive. It requires of the individual volition and choice; it calls for a set of skills and abilities but also elicits certain qualities and attitudes; it necessitates a logical progression but admits, when needed, related lines of exploration; it may seem easy at the outset but becomes more challenging further along. And crucially, one walks the path in the company of others.