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Ruhi Book 14 Unit 1

Participating in Public Discourse

Participating in Public Discourse is the title and theme of Book 14 of the Ruhi Institute, which is is still under development.

Unit 1: The Nature of Our Contributions
This unit provides a basic understanding of what public discourse entails and what spaces can be utilised for this purpose. It brings attention to the importance of drawing on insights from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the Guardian, as well as the messages of the Universal House of Justice. Participants touch on the history of the Faith’s involvement in public discourse, before exploring the nature of contributions to public discourse informed by Bahá’í teachings. Approaches to assessing views and theories that speak to the issues under consideration are discussed, as is the importance of a deep commitment to the eradication of prejudice in all its manifestations if truth is to be investigated.

Participating in Public Discourse is the title and theme of Book 14 of the Ruhi Institute, which is is still under development.

Unit 1: The Nature of Our Contributions
This unit provides a basic understanding of what public discourse entails and what spaces can be utilised for this purpose. It brings attention to the importance of drawing on insights from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the Guardian, as well as the messages of the Universal House of Justice. Participants touch on the history of the Faith’s involvement in public discourse, before exploring the nature of contributions to public discourse informed by Bahá’í teachings. Approaches to assessing views and theories that speak to the issues under consideration are discussed, as is the importance of a deep commitment to the eradication of prejudice in all its manifestations if truth is to be investigated.

  • Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
  • Format: Softcover book | 50 pages
  • Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 3 mm 
  • Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
  • ISBN: 2370000852335
  • SKU: RUHI_ENG_14U1

Requests are processed by the Institute's Book Administrator. Where required, a payment email will be sent to you.

$9 standard (Au) : 5-12 days
$12 express (Au) : 2-4 days
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  • Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
  • Format: Softcover book | 50 pages
  • Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 3 mm 
  • Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
  • ISBN: 2370000852335
  • SKU: RUHI_ENG_14U1
  • How to request Institute materials?

    Published-edition Ruhi materials (coloured covers) can be purchased directly from Baha'i Books (website).

    Pre-published Ruhi materials (white covers) and Published materials can be requested from the Training Institute via their 'Request Form'. Requests are managed by the Institute's Book Administrator. When the request is authorised a payment request email will be forward to you if required. Once paid, the order will sync to BDS for fulfilment. 

    Note: customer data related to sales of Institute materials are shared with the Training Institute.

Ruhi Institute

The main sequence of courses is organized so as to set the individual, whether Baha'i or not, on a path being defined by the accumulating experience of the community in its endeavour to open before humanity the vision of Baha'u'llah's World Order. The very notion of a path is, itself, indicative of the nature and purpose of the courses, for a path invites participation, it beckons to new horizons, it demands effort and movement, it accommodates different paces and strides, it is structured and defined. A path can be experienced and known, not only by one or two but by scores upon scores; it belongs to the community. To walk a path is a concept equally expressive. It requires of the individual volition and choice; it calls for a set of skills and abilities but also elicits certain qualities and attitudes; it necessitates a logical progression but admits, when needed, related lines of exploration; it may seem easy at the outset but becomes more challenging further along. And crucially, one walks the path in the company of others.