Ruhi Book 3 (Arabic)
The transformative effect of the spiritual education of children is the major theme explored in Teaching Children's Classes.
- Grade 1 is comprised of three units: Principles of Bahá'í Education; Lessons for Children's Classes Grade 1; and Conducting Classes for Children.
- Grade 2 is comprised of two units: Reflecting on Experience; and Lessons for Children's Classes.
- Grade 3 and Teaching Children's Classes Grade 4 are both comprised of one unit each: Lessons for Children's Classes Grade 3; and Lessons for Children's Classes Grade 4.
In the context of the theme, participants explore such concepts as the value of serving as an educator of children; the inherent nobility and dignity of every human being; the educational process as one that supports realisation of capacity; the importance of supporting children's relationship with and love for God; the importance of coherence between the words and actions of a teacher.
...Show MoreThe transformative effect of the spiritual education of children is the major theme explored in Teaching Children's Classes.
- Grade 1 is comprised of three units: Principles of Bahá'í Education; Lessons for Children's Classes Grade 1; and Conducting Classes for Children.
- Grade 2 is comprised of two units: Reflecting on Experience; and Lessons for Children's Classes.
- Grade 3 and Teaching Children's Classes Grade 4 are both comprised of one unit each: Lessons for Children's Classes Grade 3; and Lessons for Children's Classes Grade 4.
In the context of the theme, participants explore such concepts as the value of serving as an educator of children; the inherent nobility and dignity of every human being; the educational process as one that supports realisation of capacity; the importance of supporting children's relationship with and love for God; the importance of coherence between the words and actions of a teacher.
Participants also build capacity to engage with the six elements of a Bahá'í children's class – prayer, memorisation of the Word of God, music, art, stories, and games. Capacity is built in participants to engage with the practical aspects of running a class for children such as, supporting children's capacity to engage with prayer; engaging with discipline and behaviour management; establishing and implementing rules to guide conduct; maintaining records of attendance and progress of each child; and engaging with the family of each child.
Service Outcomes
The primary capacity built is the capacity to teach Bahá'í children's classes.
All Arabic and Persian Ruhi materials are printed on-demand, and may take 5-10 working days to print.
- Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
- Format: Softcover book | 254 pages
- Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 15 mm | 598 g
- Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
- Language: Arabic
- ISBN: 2370011431185
- SKU: RUHI_ARA_03G1@p
- Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
- Format: Softcover book | 254 pages
- Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 15 mm | 598 g
- Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
- Language: Arabic
- ISBN: 2370011431185
- SKU: RUHI_ARA_03G1@p
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