Ruhi Book 11 Unit 2 (Persian)
The relationship between material means and spiritual principles that govern a truly prosperous society is the major theme of Material Means, which is still under development by the Ruhi Institute.
Unit 1: The Spiritual Basis of Prosperity
The first unit focuses on the attributes of a generous heart. Participants begin by exploring wealth as a concept, including the appropriate acquisition and expenditure of wealth. They then explore qualities related to generosity such as purity; love; detachment; freedom from greed and envy; forgiveness and forbearance; munificence; justice; and sacrifice.
All Arabic and Persian Ruhi materials are printed on-demand, and may take 5-10 working days to print.
The relationship between material means and spiritual principles that govern a truly prosperous society is the major theme of Material Means, which is still under development by the Ruhi Institute.
Unit 1: The Spiritual Basis of Prosperity
The first unit focuses on the attributes of a generous heart. Participants begin by exploring wealth as a concept, including the appropriate acquisition and expenditure of wealth. They then explore qualities related to generosity such as purity; love; detachment; freedom from greed and envy; forgiveness and forbearance; munificence; justice; and sacrifice.
All Arabic and Persian Ruhi materials are printed on-demand, and may take 5-10 working days to print.
- Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
- Format: Softcover book | 58 pages
- Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 3 mm | 160 g
- Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
- Language: Persian
- ISBN: 2370001774445
- SKU: RUHI_PER_11U2@p

$12 express (Au) : 2-4 days

- Contributors:: Ruhi Institute (Developer)
- Format: Softcover book | 58 pages
- Dimensions: 216 x 280 x 3 mm | 160 g
- Publisher: Ruhi Foundation
- Language: Persian
- ISBN: 2370001774445
- SKU: RUHI_PER_11U2@p
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Published-edition Ruhi materials (coloured covers) can be purchased directly from Baha'i Books (website).
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